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Hong Kong Design Driven x Design Award 2021: Silver

Restaurant | Hong Kong | 2020

Client: Espresso Alchemy

Interior Designer: METAGRAM 

LightOrigin Studio Design Team: Eugenia Cheng

Photography: METAGRAM


The objective of the Espresso Alchemy café design in Hong Kong's Harbour City mall was to visually connect two disjointed but adjacent spaces. Metagram inserted vividly coloured architectural forms in order to create this iconic design.

For Designer's Full Design Statement click here


Espresso Alchemy Harbour City was a challenge - to design a homogeneous lighting environment that connect two disjointed but related spaces. 


Compromised of two sections, the main tenancy is a narrow space with high design flexibility. The secondary area, adjacent to the prior, is located within the open mall space had existing finished that could not be changed, such as the 4500K lighting fixtures.

In the main cafe space, cove uplight illuminated the long but narrow dome-shaped ceiling, creating a bright welcoming space while visually elongating the vertical space. Accent lights added punch to the table balancing the diffused lighting emitted from the &Tradtional Flowerpot pendants.  Locally sourced concealed linear lights were used under the main coffee serving counter to add emphasis to the architectural curvature.

Opposite in the secondary seating area, a series of bespoke spherical pendants are suspended along the red arches to created a visual boundary and provide illumination for the perimetry high tables. To match the main cafe space, Rosco colour film were added to the existing 4500K general lights to modify the mood to a more comfortable 3000K.

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